So excited!!! Just started this week my Phlebotomy class. Thought I would be a little freaked out but so far so good. Tuesday we started out practicing with tourniquets and feeling each others veins, which might I say is really weird, kinda gross, but mostly cool; especially when you are feeling your own.
Wednesday and Today we practiced drawing blood on fake arms. First time I didn't hit the vein, but second and third time I did. I would probably be going live on a real person tomorrow but I am not going to school so mostly likely it will be Monday. So pretty much my first patient has a 60% chance that I will hit their vein. Comforting I know. Well I'm SUPER excited!
Tomorrow I am leaving to go to LA for the weekend. yeah! Who knows what adventures it will bring!
By the way this is Carissa's (my baby sister's) first plane ride ever and she is almost 21. Side note: She is terified of heights and roller coasters. muhahaha.
I'm thinking about video taping this. :D If we hit turbulance I might even say we are going down and to say her prayers. This is going to be fun! I am getting excited about the plane ride just writing this.
Living Life to the fullest!