The older I get and the more people I meet it becomes quickly obvious to me if a person is a good conversationalist, and those who are seem to be apart of a dying breed.
It seems now days people are more interest in sharing facts about themselves or information they've heard about others. Never once in that "conversation"will they stop to ask you a question because they are geniunely interested in getting to know you more.
You can probably think of examples of people like this off the top of your head. You can usually spot them because they tend to consistantly interrupt you when you are talking, Spout off their beliefs, ideas, and opinions about everything under the sun, but never ask what your thoughts are. They are the type of people when asked, "How are you doing" never ask you in return how you are, and for some reason they are always texting someone about something far more interesting than what you are talking about.
I have found myself having to stop myself from losing my temper a time or two. I've even had to pray about having a right attitude.
That's when a thought came to my mind. Do I do this to Jesus? When I pray do I sometimes talk thee entire time to him about my thoughts, opinions, problems and whatever else I think is important, and not ask him what he thinks or how does he feel? Do I sometimes forget to wait on the lord? Do I sometimes forget to listen to his voice? Maybe he spoke to me but I couldn't hear him because I rushed through prayer with the thought that I put my time in now its time get on with the rest of my day.
You see there is an art to conversation:
One part is talking.
but the second part which is the most important, but rarely valued is
Remember communication is key to any strong, successful relationship.